
Top pc games 2015 rock paper shotgun
Top pc games 2015 rock paper shotgun

top pc games 2015 rock paper shotgun

Cars accelerate to their maximum speed almost instantly and brake just as fast, which makes simply moving around fun. I never get anywhere close to that level of skill, but every interaction with the game at the shallow end of its skill curve is equally as satisfying. The internet is full of people using these abilities to perform miraculous maneuvers, leaping into the air at one end of the pitch, seeming to catch the ball in mid-air, and then balancing it atop themselves as they chaperon it into their opponent's goal at the other end of the pitch. With enough practice, you can then start using your car's boost ability to prolong your airtime. Then you can jump again before touching the ground, triggering the kind of tumbles and somersaults that allow for the vehicular equivalents of diving headers, overhead kicks, and Hollywood goal line saves. It feels like a game that's had at least 11 years of thought put into it.įor example, you can jump your car into the air and then, when airborne, angle yourself in a new direction. But what elevates Rocket League beyond the novel silliness of its premise - it's football but the players are cars and the ball is floaty and larger than you - is the finesse you can wring from its controls. Rocket League is partly designed and programmed by David Hagewood, who earlier in his career worked on the vehicle physics for Unreal Tournament 2004. Graham: When Adam suggested we should review Rocket League, I didn't disagree, but I did say that I thought "it looks like a novelty UT2003 mod." Maybe I was tired, because I'm not sure why I thought that was a bad thing I used to love novelty Unreal Tournament 2003 mods. What is the best game of 2015? The RPS Advent Calendar highlights our favourite games from throughout the year, and behind today's door is.

Top pc games 2015 rock paper shotgun